Advanced Check In for Staff

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There is a new cart page for staff called Advanced Check In. Configio's Advanced Staff Check In feature enables your event staff to take attendance across multiple products at once within a single day. See the admin Advanced Check In article for more information about Advacned Check In.

Getting Started

Updating Staff Menu

There is a new staff page for advanced check in.
In order to ensure the Attendance Check-In feature is accessible by staff members, you will need to add the new staff page for advanced check in to the staff menu. This can easily be done by logging into your admin account, navigating to Menus in the settings drop-down. You are going to want to select the edit icon on the right of the menu you currently use in cart.
Search for "check in" in the shopping cart search bar. To add he feature into the menu structure, select the checkbox and select Add to Menu.
After adding the menu item, drag it to your preferred placement in the menu structure. You can select the menu item for more information and adjustments. Be sure to Save the menu when you are finished with your edits.
See the Menu Builder help article for more information.


There is a configuration for "Enable a prompt when checking in from the advanced checkin screen". When this is ON, your staff and admins using advanced checkin will see a prompt on each checkin to ensure they clicked the appropriate participant. See Advanced Checkin for more details on Admin Checkin.


Your staff will login as normal and click the new advanced check in menu item you have provided them.
Like in admin, when they land on the page it will show a date search at the top, defaulted to today. Then below they can load participants across all the products they are assigned to that happen today.
Check the event(s) which you would like to take attendance for and select Load Participants.
Advanced Checkin grids in the admin have a checkbox for “available to staff” and the default advanced checkin grid in all databases is marked as available to staff. See the Admin Advanced Check In article for more information.

Taking Attendance

Your staff will click Check In or Check Out for the participant they want to record attendance on. If the configuration to enable a prompt is ON, they will be prompted before the check in or our is recorded.
Upon Confirmation, the participant will appear as Checked In and present.
Once the staff member is complete taking attendance, they can click Attendance Complete to mark all calendar items they searched for as complete. They can also export the results grid to Excel.

Check In/Out History

Once participants have been checked in, staff can view their check in and our history using the settings wheel next to the check in and out button.
The Check In history shows the first and last name as well as date and time of the check in or out. A participant that has been checked in and out would appear as below.
Staff can also delete check in and out history. In the event they make a mistake, and mark the wrong participant as checked in, this allows them to remove the check in record and re-check in the participant as appropriate.
Adding Notes to Participants
Finally, staff can record notes for each participant as needed by clicking the Notes button under the settings icon.
When a note is saved on a participant, an icon shows on the settings icon to identify they have a note recorded.
These notes can be reviewed, edited, and added in the Admin Advanced Check In as well.

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