Legacy Reports - Editing, Filters, Access

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The Report Builder is your area to customize existing reports or create new ones.

Editing a Report

Example:  You want to make a custom roster for your Staff members to run.

You want to make a few changes to the report:
It has a column heading (Product Name) that isn't meaningful for your business, and
there are several ID columns you don't use.
Also, the report would be more usable if you could specify which Event each time,
but always filter for 15-year-olds only.
Adding a sort order on Date Ordered will save you the trouble of sorting it that way on each run.

How To: Start at Settings > Report Builder. On the "Reports" screen, in the Edit Report section, find the system Roster Report and click edit:


Click Clone to make a copy of the system report, then rename it and click save:


Then mark usable by Staff to make the report accessible to Staff members on a product. You can also mark Coordinator to make it usable by Organization Coordinators and Product Screen to add it to the Product Main Tab:


Note: These checkboxes are only available on product-based reports. For instance, the Accounts report will not be accessible because it cannot be filtered to a single product.

You then want to change a column heading - click Edit to the right of "Product Name".


In the Edit Column screen, enter "Event" in the Custom Column Title field and click Save:


The report will now show Event in place of Product Name.

Hide Columns - Return to the Edit Report screen by clicking on the "Roster Report(clone)" breadcrumb, or by clicking on the "Cancel" button. Un-check the Visible checkbox for all columns you wish to hide from the report, then click Update Visibility:


Tip:  Many users simply hide the fields that they don't want to show, such as the ID fields.  This helps to clean up reports so you're only seeing what you need.

To search by product when running the report as an administrator, click Edit on the IDProduct field:


Note that the IDProduct column on the Roster report is marked as Always Ask with an = operator by default.

Operators work with Always Ask to give you a pick list or a searchable text box so you can run a different report each time and with Filter to narrow the data in a specific field.

  • =        Equals:  Must be an exact match to the Filter or Always Ask data.
  • <        Less Than
  • <=      Less Than or Equal To
  • >        Greater Than
  • >=      Greater Than or Equal To
  • <>      Does Not Equal
  • Like: This should be used for text and with “Always Ask” so you can enter any part of the item(s) you are searching for.  This is a very popular Operator to use for the Product Name field.
  • Between: This will return data that falls between the range input in either the “Always Ask” or the “Filter” boxes.

Filter - This is the data that you want the operator to select. In this example, you wanted your report to show only 15-year old participants each time. Click on the Participant Age field and select the Operator "=" and the Filter of 15. 

Sort Order - This allows you to pre-sort your data the same way each time you run the report.  In this example, select the Date Ordered field. Then at Sort Order, enter a 1 to make that field the primary sort for the entire report.  You can then enter 2,3,4 on other fields to choose the secondary sort, a tertiary sort, etc.  

Format - This is dependent on the field you selected.  If the Field you are working has a choice of formats, the Format drop-down will appear.  An example is anything with a date.  You can select the format Date, Date and Time, or just Time.

Tip: If there is a report that you really like, but you only need certain data, clone it and change the viewable fields.  This will give you a concise report that only gives you the data you need without having to build a report from scratch.

The Staff Members can now access the report from their Staff Schedule by clicking a calendar item from the schedule and clicking the Reports button:



Coordinators can also access the reports (if the coordinator is checked).

The report can be run from the Product Main Tab by clicking Product Reports (if the product screen is checked):


Create a New Report

Start on the top line of the "Reports" screen.

To create a new report you need to select a Base Report from which to build.  Each report has its own set of fields according to the type of report it is.
Once you have chosen an appropriate Base Report, you can give your new report a title.  Still on the top line of the "Reports" screen, create a title for your report and click New Report.
You new report will then be available in the “Edit Report” list.
Choose the report you created and select which forms you want to include in the report. (Not all forms are available for all report types.  If the form type is not available for that report, the boxes will be uncheckable.) Add locking to prevent anybody else from editing the report with admin rights. Click Save (or Delete if you've changed your mind).
Adding Forms to a Report:  By selecting the appropriate form type that you would like to include in your report all the questions in the form that you have built will be displayed in the report.  Unanswered fields in the form will be left blank.

Once you have named your report and selected which forms you would like included in it you can modify the contents of the report as explained above.

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