Using product advanced search, you can select one or many products and click “Send Message”. This prompts for a title, how the message should send – email or text, and when you want to send it.
In this article:
Getting Started
Sending Message Using Product Advanced Search
Send Message Using Email
Send Message Using Text Message
Getting Started
Login to your Administrative Console, click on Products, and click on the Advanced Search button.
Select the product criteria you want to filter in the advanced search. In the example provided we're searching for event products
Sending Message Using product advanced search, you can select one or many products and click “Send Message”.
Note: You can Select the "Check All" or choose each product individually by selecting the check boxes on the left.
A Message Product(s) modal will appear, listing the number of products you selected and some details about the products themselves. The modal then prompts the user to select how they wish to send out the message (via Email, or Text Message). There is also an 'Include Variation Product' check box below the Product Summary box that, when checked, assigns the selected staff to all the variations and the master.
Note: You can select both Email and Text message. If you chose to do this, there will separate text boxes for both the email body and the Text SMS body, both are required if you choose both.
Send Message Using Email
If you are creating an email, you can send it via SMTP or as a campaign (campaign offers advantage of open / click tracking)
Note: If you send the message as a campaign, you will be prompted to chose a an 'identity' from whom the message will be sent from.
You can select This is a Marketing Communication checkbox, which changes the verbiage used in the bottom of the email campaign to allow people to opt-out of receiving future emails. Compose the message by adding the message you wish to send in the text box below Email Options.
Select who you want to send the email to. In the example we chose to send the email to the participants of the events. In the textbox below, you can also choose to add additional email addresses to send the message to.
Finally, choose to either send the message now, or at a future date and time. After you finish creating the email, select send and the process is created.
Send Message Using Text Message
If you select text, we now support sending through Twilio as true SMS – with a cost per month and per send. Or, the customer can add their own Twilio account under Service Manager. If you choose our default texting feature, you must collect Mobile Phone and Mobile Carrier questions in the account or participant form. The included SMS texting feature has a 140 character limit, and does require the Mobile Carrier question to be completed before you can text the user.
Compose the message by adding the message you wish to send in the text box below Text Options.
Select who you want to send the email to. In the example we chose to send the email to the participants of the events. In the textbox below, you can also choose to add additional numbers to send the message to.
Finally, choose to either send the message now, or at a future date and time. After you finish creating the email, select send and the process is created
Note: The Emails/Text SMS are processed at the date to send, not when they are scheduled
- There is a new tab in Email Campaigns for “Mass Communication” that shows you a quick summary of your messages, how have been sent, delivered, or failed. For the messages which haven't been sent out yet, there will be an "Edit Details" button which allows you to edit the content of the message itself and who it is sent to. For the unsent messages there is also a "Cancel" button which allows you cancel the message being sent out in the future. For messages which have already been sent, you will be able to select the "View Details" button, allowing you to view the message and those who received it after it is sent out. There is also a "View recipient" button where you can view information on the recipients of that message via a downloadable excel sheet.
- There is a configuration called "Hide the participant option in the product communication modal" which allows you to hide the participant option from the "Send message To..." options. The default for this Configuration is Off
- Updated 4/2020