Pay to Balanced Owed allows control over things like one time deposits, when deposits are visible, and controls in line with a set amount of days when the customer can pay the remainder of the balance due, before auto charges occur.
Configurations to keep in mind:
Log into your administrative console-> Select Settings, Configurations-> Search for "Deposit".
- Note: The Config "Enable the user to enter a flexible deposit amount" if on, will allow customers to enter a value they want to put for a deposit even if your product has a value set.
Creating the Product
Go to Products and select the Add New button. Choose event, enter a name, and select the Create button.
Begin creating the product using the Products: Main Tab <- see article as a guide.
Enabling Recurring Billing
Select the Advanced tab, Look at the Billing section, Enter a Deposit Amount lower then your product price, Select Enable Recurring Billing.
Note: Bill my company is not allowed while using Enabled Requiring Billing and vise versa. Checking one box will uncheck the others box.
Selecting Enable Requrring Billing will display the dropdown menu called "Type of Recurring"
Date to Compare to:
This allows you to set what type of PTBO you want to use.
The three types are:
- Purchase Date -
How many days after the purchase of the product that the customers balance is due by before auto charge occurs.
- Start Date -
How many days before or after the Event Start Date that the deposit tab is NOT Available.
How many days before or after the Event Start Date of a product that the customers balance is due by before auto charge occurs.
- End Date -
How many days before or after the Event End Date of a product that the deposit is NOT Available
How many days before or after the Event End Date of a product that the customers balance is due by before auto charge occurs.
Start date example below
Note: PTBO Compare Start / End dates are primarly used for Event products
Compare types - Start Date & End Date
These two types are very similar, except one works off an Event start date and one works of an Event end date. Both types have the same sections seen below
- Deposit Not Available
If within X days, on the cart side the deposit option will be denied / skipped during the checkout process. If outside of the X days, then the deposit will be available to the customer.
- Days to Charge Balance
This is a how many days the customer has to pay the remaining balance after the deposit amount was paid for or auto charge will occur when X days is met.
- Days Before Reminder
This allows you to set one or more email reminders to your customers to inform them that they will be billed and when. Input how many days prior to the billing day that the email will be sent. (Click the "plus" icon to add more reminders)
User Scenario Example#1:
If an administrator had an Event starting exactly 1 month from today and they wanted to force a deposit before the Event started, and within 1 day of the Events start date they wanted the full amount of the product, as well as anyone buying the event the day of, would need to pay the full price of the product, they would:
If an administrator had an Event starting exactly 1 month from today and they wanted to force a deposit before the Event started, and within 1 day of the Events start date they wanted the full amount of the product, as well as anyone buying the event the day of, would need to pay the full price of the product, they would:
- Setup: They would check the Force Deposit checkbox and set the Deposit Not Available to 1 day before the start date of the event, and set Day to Charge Balance to 0 days before Start Date.
User Scenario Example#2
If an administrator had an Event starting exactly 1 month from today and they wanted to allow deposits up to 5 days prior to the Events start date, and they also wanted to gather the full amount at least 5 days before the event, they would:
- Setup: They would make sure the Force Deposit checkbox is unchecked, they would set Day to Charge Balance to 5 days before the Event, they would set Deposit Not Available to 5 days before the start date (In this example they would also probably have online purchase end for the Event, set to end 5 days before the Event's start date)
Purchase Date
This allows you to set X days after a product is purchased, for the customer to pay the remainder of the balance or it will be auto charged when X days is met. Unlike the other two types, Purchase Date is a type of compare that can be set to any product type and is based off the day you purchase the product. It also can only be set to after.
These sections below are available
- Days to Charge Balance -
X days after the purchase of a product, the balance will be due and be auto charged.
- Days Before Reminder -
This allows you to send one or more email reminders to your customers to inform them that they will be billed and when. Input how many days prior to the billing day that the email will be sent. (Click the "plus" icon to add more reminders)
Some Other Field Descriptions:
Input how much you want to collect at checkout.
This forces customers to pay the deposit amount that has been set.
This is an optional field where you can enter the Tax amount that is to be applied to your product.
Legal Text
This is displayed on the Deposit tab of the Checkout page. Leave it blank to used the configured value, or customize it to your needs.
The Customer's Experience
Your customers will go to your shopping cart and find the product. They will select to view the details page and add the product to cart.
They can begin to checkout. If the product is set to Compare to Start Date and the customer is outside the X days set, they will see the Deposit tab. If not, the deposit step will be skipped.
They can choose to either pay the deposit or the full amount.
If they choose deposit, then they will see how much is due now and how much is due later. Place the Order. Otherwise, it will be charged according to the Auto Charge settings.
After they place the order, they will see a notification that there is a balance due. They can manually pay the balance or the balance will auto charge on the set date.
Once a customer purchases a product with this configuration they will be locked into the payment schedule you define. Changing the product payment parameters after a customer has purchased does not affect past orders.