Creating Learning Management System (LMS) Assessments

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The Learning Management System contains a variety of options for assessing Learner performance. Here is a description of the options available, and how to create them.ass_.png


General Information

There are several types of Assessment Course Items: Auto Graded Exams, Manually Graded Exams, Essays, Forms, and Surveys. Detailed explanations and instructions are below, but first it is important to understand what they have in common, and their architecture.

There are three main components for most assessments: Course Items, Course Forms, and Lists. Course Items are where the assessment is created and configured, such as naming the assessment and indicating the Required Passing Percentage.

Course Items consume Course Forms. Course Forms are where the questions are created and configured. There are several types of Course Forms. One benefit of having the assessment questions separated from the assessment proper is the re-usability questions. Click for more information about Forms.

Course Forms consume Lists. Lists are where answer choices are created.  Lists can either be Global or Local, meaning that the List of answers can be just for a single question, or that List can be reused for multiple questions. Click for more information about Lists.

Assessment Items – Shared Configurations

Like Content and Container Items, all Assessment Items have the following configurations.ass1.png


Title: the name of the Assessment (required).

Prerequisite: choose an Item, Container, or Assessment that the Learner must complete before beginning this Assessment. This can be useful (for example) to keep Learners from jumping ahead, or to keep them from taking an Exam before viewing the content that the Exam covers.

Required: Check to indicate that the Learner must complete this Assessment in order to complete the Course.Admin Approval: Check to create a hard break point. After the Learner completes this Item, they will be locked-out of the Course. A Course Administrator will then use the Grader to approve the Student to continue the Course.

Optional HTML Content: Use this Word-style editor to compose content to be displayed to the Learner. This is useful for providing instructions.

Active/Inactive Control: Toggle to make the Assessment either Active or Inactive. If Inactive, the Assessment will not displayto the Learner.

Exam Configurations


Here is a list of configurations available for both Auto and Manually Graded Exams.ass2.png

Exam Form: Select an existing Exam Form for the Exam Item to consume. Click to edit the Form, or click to create a new Form.

Max Attempts: 
The number of times that the Learner can attempt to pass the Exam. Choose from between 1-10, or choose “Until pass”.

Passing Percentage: 
The percentage of questions with correct answers required to pass an Exam attempt.

Allow Multiple Attempts: (Not pictured) This will allow the learner to retake the exam after passing in an effort to better their score.

Max Questions:
 The number of questions that will be part of the Exam, eg if the Exam Form has 40 questions, you can configure here to only ask 20 of them.

Time Limit (Mins): T
he number of minutes that the Learner will have to complete the Exam. If the time limit passes, unanswered questions will be graded as “Incorrect”.

Results Display: 
There are several options available regarding how questions and answers are displayed to the Learner on the Exam Results screen.

All Questions, No Results: Displays all questions, but displays no answer information.All Questions With Correct Answer: Displays all questions, and displays all correct answers.All Questions without Correct Answer: Displays all questions, and displays all answer choices, but does not indicate which choice is correct.Only Missed Questions with Correct Answer: Displays only the missed questions, and displays those questions’ correct answers.Only Missed Questions without Correct Answer: Displays only the missed questions.Only Missed Questions With  All Answers: Displays only the missed questions, and displays those questions’ answer choices, but does not indicate which choice is correct.

Show only last attempt: <TBD>

Random Order: Check to randomize the questions from the Exam Form.

Single Session: Requires the Learner to complete the exam in a single sitting without navigating to other course content.

HTML Editor: Compose a message to the Learner to be displayed if they fail each attempt at the Exam, thereby also putting the Exam into a Failed state. For example, this message could provide them with a path to Continue the Course via Administrative overrides.

Rest Period: you can designate a number of minutes, hours, or days that a learner must wait between exam attempts.

Exam Form Types

Exams can be either Manually Graded or Auto Graded. Manually Graded Exams allow for a wide variety of question types, while Auto Graded Exams can only contain Radio Button or Drop Down List questions. 

Essay Configurations


Here is a list of configurations available for Essays.ass3.png

Essay Form: Select an existing Form for the Essay Item to consume. Click to edit the Form, or click to create a new Form. The only type of Form available for Essays is Manual Graded Exam .

Email Attempts: Indicate how many times the Learner can email a draft of the Essay answers. Leave blank for unlimited attempts, or indicate “0” to hide the option from the Learner.

Auto Submit: (Not pictured) Learners will not be prompted to submit their essay, only save progress. The Essay will be Automatically Submitted when the Course is submitted.

Optional HTML Content: Compose content to display to the Learner at the top of the Essay Taker screen, eg instructional content.

Surveys and Forms Configurations

Simply choose the Course Form created under Forms and add optional HTML content if desired.ass4.png

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