The Roster Tab displays a list of Customers (the Roster) who have made a purchase. Found in the Products section of the Admin, the Roster contains many fields and links that are especially useful especially when managing an Event. The Roster can be constrained to just (for example) Active Orders, and it can be presented in a number of useful views.
Getting Started
Go to the Products section of the Admin, search for the Product whose Roster you are interested in, and click on the Roster tab.
You are then presented with a series of buttons that will return different versions of the Roster. Try clicking the "View Roster in Browser" button.
You will be presented with a list of Customers, and this list contains many useful fields about (and links to) the Customer.
Navigating and Constraining the Roster
Use the scrollbar to navigate the Roster. Use the Roster Type menu to constrain the Roster, and click the View button again to see the list constrained.
- Active - these are the currently registered participants/accounts
- Cancelled - these are the participants/accounts that were registered but then removed (not transferred out)
- Transferred Into - these are the participants/accounts that were registered for a different product but transferred into this product (they are also on the Active list)
- Transferred Out of - these are the participants/accounts that were registered but we transferred out of this product into another product
- All - this will show all results
Using Roster Links
There are many links to the Account section of the Admin. Click an Account Holder's or Participant's name to navigate there.
Downloading and Printing the Roster
Click the "View Roster in Excel" button to download the Roster.
Click the "Print Roster" for a printer friendly version. Click the "Print Hot Sheets" button for an alternative printer friendly version.