To add your Converge gateway to your Configio database, first login to your MyVirtualMerchant portal here:
Once logged in, navigate to Users > Find/Edit:
Then click Find to list all users for your account.
Click on the User that is "webpage" or similar. This is the user Converge has assigned as the website user. You'll then see specific details about that user.
Click on Terminals to see the PIN necessary for setup in Configio.
Note that the pin can be anything from a 6 digit number to a 128 character randomly generated case-sensitive value.
Go back to User > Find Edit, and the "webpage" or similar user, and click Rights instead of Terminals (just to the left of Terminals).
You will then see all of the actions that this user has access to perform.
At minimum, the red box values of Credit Card - Sale and Credit Card - Return should be checked. (Sale to process an order, return to refund a card.) If you are going to use Configio's pre-authorization/capture method, ensure Credit Card - Auth Only and Credit Card - Force are checked as well.
Finally, go to Settings > Payment Gateways in Configio and create your new gateway. The Gateway Login is your Account ID, password is the PIN previously copied, and Key is the username ("webpage" or similar).
Setting Up your Elavon / MyVirtualMerchant / Converge Gateway in Configio
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