Account Statements and Order Statements

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Account Statements provide a printable view for your customers to print a detailed or simple account summary with your organization's branding.

Quick Tip:  If you upload your logo to the system you can re-use is for each of your account statements by selecting the existing “Your Logo Here” image then replacing it with your already uploaded image.  If you need assistance with this please consult the Getting Started, Uploading Media (Images and Files) help or contact your account executive.

Example:  You have a customer who would like to print off their purchases for tax purposes because you operate as a non-profit.  The customer can log into their account, view their history and choose to print or email their order or account history with your custom information (including information such as your tax ID number) for their records.
Note:  If you do not edit your account statement layout it will contain a generic “Your Logo Here” for their account statement(s).

Click the Preview button to display the statement in a popup.



How To:  To edit your Account Statements go to Setup/Company/Account Statements.  You will then be taken to the Manage Account Statement page where you can choose a statement to edit.


There are three types of statement that you can edit.  The Account Detail Statement provides the list of all orders that have occurred in the history of the account.  The Summary provides an overview with a balance due.  The Order statement provides a view of the order details and can be emailed or printed as well.

Once you have selected Edit you can change the images, links and content that is pulled from your database to have it fill in your Account Statements:


The information in green is pulled from the database and will display up to the second information about the account.  To change the information displayed you can delete the green content and select a field from the box on the right to have that data pulled from the database in the position that you have selected in the body of your account statement.

For your customers to access their account statements they will need to log into their shopping cart and go to Orders/History where they can then select an Account Summary to Print or Email:

For the account view an order summary they will need to select “View” on a specific order where they can then choose to print or email the order statement:

Please change this to: Please see Account Summary and Account Detail Statements or Sending Order Statements for more details.

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