Roster Upload

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The Roster Upload tool is handy on race day to register participants who didn't register online. It is also useful for when previously registered participants request add-ons (required, dependent, and suggested products) on event day. The tool creates a Guest Account for each new participant, allows form answers to be inputted, and lets you indicate whether or not the order has been paid for. 

Example: You are in charge of the Mount Spokane Marathon, it is race day, and you are anticipating some walk-ups. You also anticipate that some registered participants will ask to buy add-on products, and that some people might need to pay later. You need a simple way to take their information, and then add the info in bulk to your database. Start by downloading a Roster Template.

Downloading a Roster

How To: Navigate to Settings -> Import Manager and choose Import Roster. Search for your Product's name, and choose it from the the drop-down list.


After selecting your Product, you will also see its current inventory (or slots available). You can now get ready to Download the roster worksheet. There are some options may choose:

  • Default Create Balance Due: if checked, a balance due will be created for the order by default. This can be overridden in the spreadsheet.
  • Include Roster: the spreadsheet will include rows for previously registered participants.
  • Include Suggested/Required/Dependent Products: there will be columns for each suggested, required, or dependent product or product variation.
  • Include Custom Forms: for the Participant and Product Participant types of forms, there will be columns for each form question. There will also be reference sheets -- these sheets will display valid answers, if those answers were defined via a list.

In this example, you have chosen to include all of these options. Click "Download" to get the file.configio.png

Viewing the Roster

An excel spreadsheet is generated and downloaded to your web browser. The first four columns contain system generated information:

  • Account ID: system generated ID (do not modify or input)
  • Participant IDsystem generated ID (do not modify or input)
  • Attached Products: system generated info (do not modify or input)
  • ID Order Product Participantsystem generated ID (do not modify or input)


The next five columns contain previously entered participant information, and are places to input information for new participants: 

  • Participant First Name: input their first name (mandatory)
  • Participant Last Nameinput their last name (mandatory)
  • Participant BirthDate: input their birthdate in MM/DD/YYYY format (optional)
  • Participant Gender(M/F): input their Gender as "M" or "F" (optional)
  • Participant Email: input their email address (optional)


The last set of columns will not contain previously entered information -- they are solely for new participants, or for add-ons:

  • Balance Due (Y/N): This appears if "Default Create a Balance Due" is checked. Input "Y" if they have not paid in full, or "N" if they have. (optional, defaults to "N")
  • Prepaid (Y/N): This appears if "Default Create a Balance Due" is not checked. Input "Y" if they have prepaid, or "N" if they have not. (optional, defaults to "Y")  
  • Form Question: input the answers to their form questions. If the question was built off a list, see corresponding the reference sheet for answer values (optional)
  • Required, Dependent, Suggested Products or Variations: input the quantity purchased for each product or variation, eg "1". (optional, defaults to "0")

Adding to the Roster

Now that you have your spreadsheet, you are ready to take some orders. A person walks-up, and she wants to participant in the marathon. You input the participant's information in a new row:



Here, the new participant name Suzy Smith has provided her birthdate, gender, and email address. She paid for the order in full, has provided answers to form questions, and wants a medium-sized tee-shirt. Once the spreadsheet is uploaded, she will be in the system.

Another person walks-up. They are already registered, but they forgot to bring the socks that they previously ordered, and they want to purchase a pair as an add-on. They also forgot to bring money, but you trust that they will pay for the order later. You find the order row by the participant's name, Alberto Salazar, and add socks to the order.


Configio attempts to find your current customers using the Roster Upload tool in order to attach these new registrations to existing customers.

  • First, we search by Participant ID (available in reports or on the Accounts screen under the ID field when looking at a participant).
  • Second, by Account ID (found in the same location as Participant ID). When we find an account, we then search for existing Participants with the same first and last name. If none are found we create a new participant with the name provided on the spreadsheet.
  • Finally, we search by Email address for existing accounts and use the same rules as the Account ID match above.

Uploading the Roster

Event-day is over, and you are ready to add the walk-ups to your database. First, save the spreadsheet, then go back into Event Manager, navigate back to Settings -> Roster Upload, search for and select your event, and click the Choose File button.


Select the saved spreadsheet, then click the Process button. The spreadsheet is ingested by the system, and lists everything that it does. 


Here, the socks were added to an existing order, and a new order was created for the walk-up. Click the order number for more information.

Also, note that that there is a summary displaying item quantity, and how it was affected by the upload.

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