Turn on to automatically create a location form the organization's primary address.
Getting Started
Login to the Administrative Console of your database, click on "Settings" > Setup > Configuration, and click on then search for "Create a location for the organization's primary address".
This configuration automatically creates a location when you create an organization. This feature also syncs the primary address of the org with the address of the location.
Note: By default this configuration is off and when the config is "false" it doesn't not create locations (and therefore it does not sync addresses).
Upon creating/uploading an organization the user will be forced to enter a Region. When the first address is created for the newly created org, a location will also be created using the same address.
Still on the Administrative Console of your database, click on "CRM" > Search Bar and Enter in The organization you're looking for. In order to adjust the actual Location and Primary Address, you need to view the organization's Main tab on the Relationship Manager. The synchronization of the address will always be to the organization's primary address (Meaning if you create a new address and make it the primary than they've also changed the location address to that primary address.) Any changes to the address will also be reflected in the location (and vice-versa).
Note: The config follows all of the previously mentioned rules, whether or not you create an organization with a wizard or not, or if you are instead importing an organization.