Configio Release - September 10, 2024

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Support tags in SEO fields

Admins will be able to add and maintain SEO fields more efficiently 

Admins will have the ability to add from the following datapoints when managing the Page Title, Meta Keywords, and Meta Description fields in the Search Engine Optimization (Meta Tags) section on the Advanced tab, using double curly brackets "{":

  • Product.Name
  • Product.LocationAddress1
  • Product.LocationAddress2
  • Product.LocationAddress3
  • Product.LocationCity
  • Product.LocationCountry
  • Product.LocationName
  • Product.LocationPostalCode
  • Product.LocationState
  • Product.EndDate
  • Product.EndTime
  • Product.StartDate
  • Product.StartTime
  • Product.StaffEvaluation
  • Product.ParticipantCount
  • Product.ExpenseAllocation
  • Product.Expenses
  • Product.SignIn
  • Product.ParticipantCountSimple
  • Product.SalesPersonFirstName
  • Product.SalesPersonLastName
  • Product.SalesPersonEmail
  • Product.SalesPersonPhone
  • Product.StaffList
  • Product.CoordinatorFirstName
  • Product.CoordinatorLastName
  • Product.CoordinatorEmail
  • Product.CoordinatorHomePhone
  • Product.CoordinatorMobilePhone
  • Product.CoordinatorContactPhone
  • Product.TotalQuantity
  • Product.PurchasedQuantity
  • Product.RemainingQuantity
  • Product.Category
  • Product.Region
  • Product.Organization
  • Product.Group
  • Product.CourseNumber
  • Product.SubAccount
  • Product.Price
  • Product.Deposit
  • Product.PublicStatus
  • Product.InternalStatus
  • Product.Link
  • Product.DaysUntilStart
  • Product.DaysAfterEnd
  • Product.DaysUntilPurchase
  • Product.DaysAfterPurchase
  • Product.Grid
  • RegionOwner.FirstName
  • RegionOwner.LastName
  • RegionOwner.Email
  • RegionOwner.Phone
  • Product.LocationDrivingDirections
  • PrimaryStaff.Name
  • PrimaryStaff.Bio
  • Product.NumberOfDays
  • PrimaryStaff.ImageThumbnail
  • PrimaryStaff.Image
  • Survey.Product
  • Product.SessionCount
  • Product.SessionHours
  • Product.CustomField1
  • Product.CustomField2
  • Product.CustomField3
  • Product.CustomField4
  • Product.CustomField5
  • Product.CustomField6
  • Product.CustomField7
  • Product.CustomField8
  • Product.CustomField9
  • Product.CustomField10
  • OrgProduct.CustomField1
  • OrgProduct.CustomField2
  • OrgProduct.CustomField3
  • OrgProduct.CustomField4
  • OrgProduct.CustomField5
  • OrgProduct.CustomField6
  • OrgProduct.CustomField7
  • OrgProduct.CustomField8
  • OrgProduct.CustomField9
  • OrgProduct.CustomField10
  • ProductSessionFields.ScheduleDescription
  • Product.ScheduleTypeTitle
  • Product.StaffWithImageAndBio
  • Product.NonprimaryStaffList
  • Product.AllStaffAssignedDetails
  • Product.PrimaryStaffDetails
  • Product.NonPrimaryStaffAssignedDetails
  • Product.DescriptionShort
  • Product.LocationImage
  • Product.LocationImageURL

When product details pages are indexed by a search engine, the Search Engine Optimization fields will be used to help drive traffic to the page when a shopper is searching for any of the tags.

Support tags in product SEO fields1.jpg

Support tags in product SEO fields2.jpg

In addition, the datapoints above can be used as email operators.

Support product Min/Max Age/Grade fields in tags

Admins will be able to add age constraints to their SEO tags

Admins will have the ability to add the following age constraints for a specific product when managing the Page Title, Meta Keywords, and Meta Description fields in the Search Engine Optimization (Meta Tags) section on the Advanced tab, using double curly brackets "{":

  • Product.MinAge
    • Display year only
  • Product.MinAgeMonths
    • min age as months
  • Product.MinAgeYrMo
    • year/month
  • Product.MaxAge
    • Display year only
  • Product.MaxAgeMonths
    • max age as months
  • Product.MaxAgeYrMo
    • year/month
  • Product.MinMaxAge
    • min yr/mo = max yr/mo
  • Product.MinGrade

Support product Min:Max Age:Grade fields in tagspt1.jpg

When product details pages are indexed by a search engine, the Search Engine Optimization fields will be used to help drive traffic to the page when a shopper is searching for any of the tags.

In addition, the datapoints above can be used as email operators.

Support region/category parent/grandparent and path fields in tags

Admins will be able to add region and category information to their SEO tags

Admins will have the ability to add the following region and category information for a specific product when managing the Page Title, Meta Keywords, and Meta Description fields in the Search Engine Optimization (Meta Tags) section on the Advanced tab, using double curly brackets "{":

  • Product.Category
  • Product.Category Grand Parent
  • Product.Category Great Grand Parent
  • Product.Category Parent
  • Product.Category Path
  • Product.Region
  • Product.Region Grand Parent
  • Product.Region Great Grand Parent
  • Product.Region Parent
  • Product.Region Path

When product details pages are indexed by a search engine, the Search Engine Optimization fields will be used to help drive traffic to the page when a shopper is searching for any of the tags.

In addition, the datapoints above can be used as email operators.

NOTE: When referring to "parents" and "grandparents," it is referring to the hierarchy of regions and categories. For example, in this screenshot below, the "child" is the Day Camp Category, the "parent" is the Conference Category, and the "grandparent" is the Events Category.

2024-09-08 16_56_47-Edit Category - Configio Sales Admin.png

Staff Checklist Items report

Admins will have the ability to run a report to view details and status of individual checklist items

A new report has been created to help admins track staff checklist item details and status.  The report will return data from the Account and Staff datasets, as well as a new dataset for Checklist items.  The report will return one row per staff account and checklist item.  Admins will have the ability to filter results by checklist item status.  The report contains the following columns:

  • Account First Name
  • Account Last Name
  • Staff Position
  • Check List Type
  • Check List Title
  • Date Created
  • Date Started
  • Date Expires
  • Description
  • Date Complete
  • Status




Staff Checklist Items should be updated without loading the checklist

Staff members will now have an up-to-date checklist without being required to visit the Checklist page

When any of the following changes are made to a staff member's checklist item, the checklist will automatically be updated without requiring that the staff member access their checklist page:

  • A new checklist item is added and assigned to a region/category
  • A new checklist item is inactivated
  • One of the following fields is changed on an existing checklist item
    • Min Age 
    • Max Age
    • Gender 
    • Work State
    • Positions
    • AutoComplete for all Positions
    • Core Requirement
    • Hiring Process Step
    • PreRequisite
  • when a staff person's region and/or category preferences are updated (both from the shopping cart and the admin side)
  • any change to the assignment of the item (e.g., assigning to a different region/category)
  • any change to the region/category tree itself

Update Staff position status from expired checklist items

Admins managing staff members will see a different status than the checklist complete when a staff member has expired checklist items

Configio will track checklist items that have an expiration date.  When an admin is managing or assigning staff members, staff members with expired checklist items will have a status of Hired, rather than Checklist Complete.   The admin can opt to override checklist items to assign a staff member to a product.   


Allow updates to Expiring Checklist items

Admins will now be able to report on expired or expiring staff checklist items

When creating a staff checklist item, admins will now see a checkbox, with the label "Apply Expiration".  When that checkbox is selected, the following additional fields will be displayed:

  • Valid for # days, with a textbox to specify the number of days that the checklist item should be valid for
  • Allow Update X Days before Expiration, with a textbox to specify the number of days before Expiration that the checklist item can be updated
  • Expiration Entered will only be displayed for the following checklist item types:
    • Open Text
    • HR Approval
    • Photo Upload

When a staff member loads their checklist page, the system will compare the expiration date and the number of days before allowing an update, and perform the following:

  • If the item is not expired and is within the allowed update period, provide a Button to update the item
  • When an item is updated, recalculate the expiration 
  • If the item is expired, continue to display the update button

allow updates to expiring checklist items.jpg

Staff checklist expired Message

Admins will see improvements to the Triggered Staff Checklist Item Expire Warning email message

When admins are creating or modifying the email message type "Triggered Staff Checklist Item Expire Warning", they will be able to use the new tag format, i.e. "{{Account.FirstName}}",  in the subject line.  In addition, the email message will also include a field for an SMS message.  The message will be used by the new Checklist Item Expire Trigger (the trigger will be assigned to the staff item).  The following Checklist Item operators will be available:

  • Incomplete Core Posthire Checklist Items
  • Incomplete Non-Core Posthire Checklist Items
  • All Incomplete Posthire Checklist Items
  • Total # Posthire Checklist Items
  • Total # Incomplete Posthire Checklist Items
  • Total # Complete Posthire Checklist Items

Staff checklist expired Message.jpg

A new message trigger type "Staff Checklist Item Expiration" has been created.  This new trigger type can be sent as an email or SMS.  For this trigger type, the send criteria will have the expiration date as the last field.  Admins can also specify when the trigger is sent, as well as the hour that it will be sent.  The admin can select one or both recipients, Staff Member Account, and HR for Staff's Home Region. 


Product Schedule Days email operator

Shoppers receiving a product-based email will see individual schedule dates, not just the start and end dates for an event

For the following product-based email message types, admins will be able to add the Product Schedule Days operator, which will display the Scheduled Day Event dates (from the current date - all future dates), in the format specified by the System Culture:

  • Order Participant Confirmation
  • Product Thank You
  • Product Reminder 1
  • Product Reminder 2
  • Dependent Product Reminder
  • Triggered Product Participant Purchased
  • Participant Progress Report
  • Low Inventory Warning
  • Waitlist Signup Notification
  • Product Approval Notification
  • Product Denial Notification
  • Triggered Product Data
  • Triggered Marketing Campaign
  • Org Invoice Notification
  • Triggered Schedule Day Event
  • Waitlist Joined Confirmation
  • Triggered Staff Schedule
  • Triggered Staff Assignment
  • Share Your Purchase
  • Triggered Product Purchased
  • Refund Request
  • Refund Request Denial
  • Referral Invitation with Product
  • Referral Awarded
  • Subscription Expiration

Product Schedule Days email operatorSettings.jpg

In addition, the Purchased Schedule Days operator will display the product schedule dates that the shopper has purchased, for the same email message types.


Product Schedule Days email operatorResults.jpg

Add Age to Staff management pages

Admins managing staff will see the age of each staff member when managing staff

On the Staff Management, Product Assignment, and Bulk Staff Assignment screens, admins will see a new column, Age.  This column will display the age of each staff member listed.  This will allow admins to easily identify the ideal staff member for an event.

Add Age to Staff management.jpg



Allow product time changes to update Scheduled Day Events

Admins managing products will have the ability to make time changes to a product without recreating the schedule and re-assigning staff

When an admin is managing an event product, they will have the ability to make time changes to the event without having to recreate the schedule or re-assign staff.  When a change is made to the Start and End times of an event and the changes are saved, Configio will compare the new Start / End Times with what has been previously saved.  If the Start / End Times are different from the previously saved Start / End Times, then a pop-up will be displayed informing the admin that the Start and/or End Time has changed, with an option to ignore or update the Start / End Times.  If the Ignore option is chosen, then the Start / End Times will not be updated.  If the Update option is chosen, then the Start / End Times will be updated to reflect the new values, without the need to recreate the schedule or re-assign staff.

Allow product time changes to update SDE's.jpg

Default Payroll period on Export

When a payroll export is done, the payroll period will default to the last ended period

When an admin exports payroll records, Configio will identify the most recent payroll period and auto-select the last ended period.  Other payroll periods can be selected.

Default Payroll period on Export.jpg

Change commission amount to use a type to add rate per product

Admins managing Organization products will have the ability to invoice a specific dollar amount on a product

When an admin is managing an organization event, they will have the ability to specify a specific dollar amount or a percentage for the commission amount.  Admins will be able to choose from the following options to calculate the commission for a specific product:

  • Fixed Amount Per Participant
  • Percentage Amount Per Participant
  • Fixed Amount Per Product

This can be modified via the Organization record in the CRM, or from the Advanced tab for a specific product.  When a Default Commission Amount is specified for the Organization in the CRM, a product associated with the Organization will by default use the commission amount specified in the CRM.

Change commission amount to use a type to add rate per product.jpg

AdvancedTabChange commission amount to use a type to add rate per product.jpg

Mobile friendly attendance - display all participant attendance history for a specific event

Staff members using the Mobile-Friendly Attendance screen will be able to see a participant's full attendance history for the event

On the participant details for a specific event, staff members will see the participant attendance history for a specific day.  Staff members will be able to reset attendance for the current day.  In addition, staff members will be able to view a participant's entire attendance history for the event by tapping on "View All Attendance History".   When that button is tapped, the attendance history for the participant for the product (all dates) will be displayed.



Accessibility Updates

The following features were made to better comply with ADA standards. Any mentions of aria below are indicative of "Accessible Rich Internet Applications" updates that allow ADA screen readers to better function within Configio.

Add text with H1 tag for search results

Screen readers will be able to more easily identify important content

There will be a new configuration, "Enable product search results heading".  By default, this configuration is disabled.  When the configuration is enabled, shoppers who perform a search will see new messaging; once a search has been performed using text, the message "Search Results for SearchTerms" will be displayed.  SearchTerms refers to the text that the shopper input for the search.  If a shopper selects a specific category to view, then the message will be "Search Results for SelectedCategory".  Lastly, if a shopper does not use text or select a category for the search, then the message will read "Results".  This message will have an H1 tag, which will enable screen readers to easily determine the most important content on the page.

Add H2 tag to product title in shopping cart product search

Screen readers will be able to more easily identify important content

When a shopper is viewing the shopping cart search results, the product title for each product listed in the results will have an H2 tag, which will help screen readers identify additional important content when viewing the search results.

add heading structure to product details page

Screen readers will be able to more easily identify important content

When a shopper is viewing the product details page for a specific product, the product title  will have an H1 tag, and the short description for the product will have an H2 tag.  This will help screen readers identify additional important content when viewing product details.

Remove positive tab index settings from login page

Shoppers using keyboard navigation will be able to more easily navigate through the login page

Shoppers who are using keyboard navigation will see improved navigation, as positive tab index (used to specify the order a keyboard would navigate to a field) settings have been removed from the page.  This is to avoid problems should other inputs/buttons be added to the page, because it will ensure that the focus order is unchanged.

Modify select menu for variations

Screen readers will be able to more easily determine the purpose on the drop-down menu used for the selection of a variation

When a shopper is viewing a product details page for a product that has variations, the label for the drop-down menu used to select a variation will be tied to the menu, so that screen readers can identify the purpose of the drop-down menu.

Add aria elements for Add New Participant form

Screen readers will be able to identify the purpose of input fields on the Add New Participant form

The following fields on the Add New Participant form will have aria labels to assist screen readers in identifying the purpose of each field:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • Birthdate
  • Credentials
  • Email Address
  • Gender
  • Membership Number
  • Mobile Carrier
  • Mobile Phone
  • Phone Number
  • Title

Form custom questions updated error messaging - All Forms

Styles for error messages on custom questions used on forms will be more consistent with styling on other forms

On any form that uses custom questions, the custom questions (shown below) will have our new style of formatting to help customers clearly identify the specific fields that have errors:


The new style of formatting is as follows:

  • The field with an error will have a red outline
  • Under the field, a red textbox will be displayed with the error message (set when managing forms)

Below is an example of what the style will look like.


Account Form - Account System questions updated error messaging

Styles for error messages on account system questions used on forms will be more consistent with styling on other forms

On the account registration form, the system questions (listed/shown below) will have our new style of formatting to help customers clearly identify the specific fields that have errors:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Re-enter Email Address
  • Password
  • Re-enter Password


The new style of formatting is as follows:

  • The field with an error will have a red outline
  • Under the field, a red textbox will be displayed with the error message (set when managing forms)

Below is an example of what the style will look like.


Staff Application Optimization

As part of an initiative to provide better usability for applicants applying to work for our clients, a new flow and user experience has been created. Until the full functionality has been released, the changes below will not be available. As work progresses on this initiative, more pages will be released. When the full functionality has been released, a full write-up will be provided in the release notes.

Create a new preferences page

Applicants for staff positions will be able to set their preferences on one page

Once the full feature has been released, when an applicant is submitting an application for employment with our clients, they will be able to set their category preferences, their region preferences, and their work state on the same page (previously, there was a page with links to separate pages for the Category / Region preferences, and Work State).  There will be a clear and obvious separate for each section.  If a client has chosen not to require that an applicant choose Category Preferences, or Region Preferences, or Work State (as specified in Settings>Configurations>Staff and Applicants), then those sections will not be shown on the page.

Category preferences

Applicants will have an updated Category Preferences section

When an applicant is setting their category preferences, they will be able to choose their preferred category and prioritize their chosen categories in one section.  Any specific requirements or configurations regarding what categories can be chosen will be the same as what is used in the current application process.

Region preferences

Applicants will have an updated Region Preferences section

When an applicant is setting their region preferences, they will be able to choose their preferred regions and prioritize their chosen region in one section.  Any specific requirements or configurations regarding what regions can be chosen will be the same as what is used in the current application process.

Work State

Applicants will be able to choose their Work State

If the configuration "Require applicant to set a Work State" is enabled, the final step on the Staff Preferences page will be to select the applicant's Work State. 

Create new prioritization javascript widget

Applicants will see a more user-friendly experience when prioritizing their Category and Region Preferences

When an applicant has chosen their preferred Categories on the Staff Preferences page, they will see a widget that will allow them to easily prioritize the selected categories right next to the Category selection.  Likewise, once Regions are selected, the widget to prioritize their region preferences will be displayed next to the Region selection.  Applicants can easily move a particular Category or Region up or down in order of preference using our arrows.

To ensure continuity, with documentation and product functionality Configio reserves the right to amend or update these notes as needed. For more information, reach out to Configio Support.

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