Configio Release - May 6, 2024

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Topics Covered:

Admins will be able to assign Forms to Folders and assign user groups to the Folders 

Admins will now be able to assign a Form to Folder(s) as they are creating or editing a Form.  The Forms grid will display a new column, "Folder." This will allow Admins to see which Folder or Folders a specific Form is assigned to.  A Form that is assigned to multiple Folders will have an icon to indicate that.

Admins can also assign users or user groups to these Folders from Settings>Setup>Folders.  Users or User Groups who do not have access to a Folder will only be able to see the Folder in the list when assigning a Form to a Folder/Folders, but not select that Folder.  Users or user groups who have Write access for a Folder will be able to select that Folder when editing or creating a Form.  Users or User Groups with read access will be able to see and select the Folder, but will not see options to save or delete them.




Enable Folders on Triggered Emails

Admins will be able to assign Triggered Emails to Folders and assign User Groups to the Folders 

Admins will now be able to assign a Triggered Email to Folder(s) as they are creating or editing the Triggered Email.  The Triggered Email grid will display a new column, "Folder."  This will allow Admins to see which Folder or Folders a specific Form is assigned to.  A Form that is assigned to multiple Folders will have an icon to indicate that.

Admins can also assign users or user groups to these Folders from Settings>Setup>Folders.  Users or User Groups who do not have access to a Folder will only be able to see the Folder in the list when assigning a Form to a Folder/Folders, but not select that Folder.  Users or User Groups who have Write access for a Folder will be able to select that Folder when editing or creating a Form.  Users or User Groups with read access will be able to see and select the Folder, but will not see options to save or delete them.


Add field label for zip code search textbox on Shopping Cart

The ZIP/postal code search field will have labeling to help screen readers identify the purpose of the field

To better comply with ADA, the ZIP/postal code search field will have a label in the code that will assist screen readers with identifying to the user what the purpose of the field is.

Add label element for keyword search on search Form on Shopping Cart

The keyword search Form will have labeling to help screen readers identify the purpose of the field

To better comply with ADA, the keyword search Form will have a label in the code that will assist screen readers with identifying to the user what the purpose of the Form is.

StackPay Payment Method in Admin

If a client has StackPay set up as an active payment gateway, Admins can make payments to an account using a stored card without entering the CVV

If StackPay is an active payment gateway, Admins can use an existing stored credit card, without providing the CVV, to make a payment via Add Item & Pay Now, Add Order and Pay Now, Add Funds, or Payment on an existing order.  For new credit cards, Admins must provide the CVV when adding a new credit card, but the CVV will not be required for subsequent orders.

Re-title weeks out from the reports dropdown in the Staff/Coordinator Portal

When viewing Product reports from Product details, the Weeks Out report has been renamed to Registration Pacing Report

When viewing the Product Reports from Product Details, the Weeks Out report has been renamed to Registration Pacing Report.  In addition, on the Staff/Coordinator Dashboard, the Weeks Out report has been renamed to Registration Pacing Report.


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Add new fields as options to Bulk Product Update

New fields have been added to the Bulk Product Update, and the Update Products button has been moved to the right side of the modal

  • In the Main section:
    • Budget (a decimal field) has been added.  It will be stored in Products-Budget
  • In the Dates section:
    • Season (a date field) has been added.  It will be stored in Products-ReportGroupDate
    • This is not a drop-down of Seasons, but just a date picker that will be saved once a date is selected
  • In the Description section:
    • Schedule Description (a text string field)
  • There will be a new section titled "SEO/Analytics", with the following fields:
    • Search Keywords (a text string field)
    • Page Title (a text string field)
    • Meta Keywords (a text string field)
    • Meta Description (a text string field)


Add Analytics as an option in Bulk Product Update

A new field has been added to the new SEO/Analytics section on the Bulk Product Update

A dropdown field, Analytics, has been added to the new SEO/Analytics section on the Bulk Product Update.  This dropdown menu will be populated by all of the active Analytics providers that were added on Settings>Setup>Analytics


Additional fields in Bulk Product Update

Additional fields have been added to the Advanced Section of the Bulk Product Update

The following fields have been added to the Advanced Section of the Bulk Product Update:

  • Participant Per(int)
  • Remaining Warning Count(int)
  • Maximum Purchase Quantity per Account (int)
  • Maximum Purchase Quantity per Participant (int)
  • Dependent List Display - Products
  • Max Purchase Quantity Per Primary Item
    • This can be unlimited

Add Title as an option when entering a long description in Bulk Product Update

When performing a Bulk Product Update, there will be a new field in the description section

There will be a new field titled "Long Description Title" in the Description section of the Bulk Product Update.  The field is a textbox that will allow for a Title to be included with the Description when updating Products.  If this field is left blank, then the label for the Description will be the default "Description".


Add an option to delete Product Export for Import

Admins using Product Export for Import can use a new column "Deleted"

When the Deleted column is added to the file and set to True, once the file is imported, that Product will be deleted.  If an Admin attempts to use a previously deleted Product to clone a new Product, an error will be returned to the user.  If "Deleted" is set to True, then all other columns for that Product will be ignored.  If any Products were deleted as part of the Import process, the email will include a count of the Deleted Products.

Complete Roster replacement is more discerning on what it cancels and re-creates

The Roster upload will create fewer erroneous or duplicate entries

  • The following should affect only orders that were created by Roster Import (does not affect any orders placed by methods other than Roster Import)
  • The following logic applies only when the import is indicated as a complete replacement:
    • If Participant name is not on a current Order Product, place the order
    • If Participant name is on a current Order Product:
      • Look at the account
        • If FN/LN, email all match the existing Order Product, do nothing
        • If any of account FN, LN, email from the import file do not match with the existing Order Product, cancel the existing order product and place a new one with the current information from the import file
        • If Account FN/LN, and email exists, match on both name and email. 
        • If only account email exists then match on email
        • If only account FN/LN exists than match on FN/LN
        • In all cases where account FN/LN are being considered, factor that if the import file does not contain an account FN/LN, the existing Order Product would reflect the account as 'Roster Upload' and would be considered a match to a NULL value on the import file

Display total Payroll Summary value on Payroll Review

Admins reviewing Payroll will see a total Payroll value just under the Payroll Review options

The total Payroll value for a specific period of time will be displayed just under the Payroll Review options on Payroll>Payroll Review. The field will be the sum of the following:

  • all of the Total Wages values for each Product in the selected Payroll period
  • all of the wages for each Event Payroll item
  • all of the wages for each non-Event Payroll item.


Apply Region filter to Payroll items

Admins performing Payroll reviews will be able to filter results by Region

When performing a Payroll review, Admins must now select a Region, and all of the records that are displayed will be filtered so that only records from the selected Region will be displayed.

  • Payroll items will filter by the top-level system Region filter
  • The Item column in the grid is either the Product the Payroll item is associated with or the Region
    • filter to Payroll items that are associated with a Product/Region at or under the top-level system filter


Add Gross Collected, Fees summary to org invoice

Org Invoices will be updated to include Gross Collected and a Fees summary

  • Add Gross Collected column
    • The "Gross Collected" column totals all sales - meaning this is the total of the base price + roll-up fees + any fees not rolled up (i.e. Nonresident fees, non-member fees, etc.) that customers paid for on registrations taken internally. It is the total sales of the product.
    • The subsequent columns break down how the gross collected column was calculated.
  • Add a new summary of the base price and fees
    • Add "Base Price & Fees Breakdown" to the Event Commission Details section on each product
      • Base Price Collected = just the amount collected for the price of the product (meaning no fees reflected)
      • Gross Collected = Base Price Collected + fees collected

Allow Org Invoices to be filtered by Inactive

Admins viewing Invoices will now be able to filter out inactive Invoices

When viewing Invoices, Admins will see a new checkbox, Include Inactive.  The checkbox is checked by default, but when unchecked, any inactive Invoices will not be displayed on the page.


Add Internal Status to Invoice grid

When an Admin is viewing Invoices, they will now see the internal status of each invoice

In the table that displays Invoices, a new column "Product Internal Status" will be displayed.  This will inform Admins of the internal status.


Fix tooltip on staff position trash can button

The tooltip that is displayed for the trash can icon will be displayed just above the icon

The tooltip for the trash can icon that is displayed in the staff position section on staff details will now be displayed above the icon.


Adjust the sort order of products in the grid that generates on a Confirmation of Services (Contract)

There will be some adjustments to the Contract display

  • Products shown in the grid after the contract has been generated will be sorted by the start date
  • The field ScheduleType will be shown as "Schedule Type: {Type}" just above the Location details
  • ScheduleDescription will be added and will be displayed above Location Details 
    • If there is no Schedule Description, the field will be hidden
  • Registration Method will be moved under the base price & Fees Breakdown

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Fix Report filtering with an ask but no values

Admins running a report with Ask Me filters but no values will see all results without filtering by that field


Improve the readability of the Assignment display

Product Assignments will be easier to read and understand

The Assigned and Unassigned columns on Product Details>Assignment will be changed.  The title of each Assignment will be fully displayed in one row with no wrapping.  In addition, the ID for the Assignment will be displayed.


Update the Apply button in Staff Application once the application is in process

Once a Staff member's application is in process, the button they see on the checklist will update

Staff who have started or completed an application will now see a Checklist button when they return to the Application screen.


Improve split order management

Admins managing split orders will see more details on the originating account order row

When viewing a split order, Admins will see:

  • The Participant on the originating account order row
  • The Swap button on the originating account order row

Remove Additional Time/Wage rules assignments upon deletion

When an Admin deletes an additional time rule, the time rule should be unassigned

After creating an additional time or wage rule  is deleted, that additional time rule will no longer be assigned to anything

Payroll import to use Staff home Region when not provided

When importing a Payroll file, Configio will use the Staff's home Region if the Region is missing

  • If an import is performed without containing either an idProduct or a Region: 
    • The Payroll item will be imported using the Home Region identified for the Staff member
  • If there is not a home Region for the Staff member, Configio will fail the import item

Product Advanced Search: a Single Product gets selected once opened

When an Admin has filtered Products through the Advanced Search and selects one of the results, the Product list will carry over the search criteria, only displaying the Products that appeared in the search.

When Admins are running a Product Advanced Search and select a row for a specific Product, they will see all of the Advanced Search results in the left column on the Product Details page.



Include invoiced display to Product Advanced search grid

An Admin viewing the Advanced Search grid for products will see a new column

Admins who are running a Product Advanced Search will see a new column "Invoiced" which will display true if a particular product has been invoiced, and false if the product has not been invoiced.

To add the Invoiced column, navigate to Settings<Management<Custom Display Tables. Here, you can edit your Product Advanced Search table to add the Invoiced column.


Create a Mobile-Friendly Staff Schedule list page

A new mobile-friendly Staff Schedule page will be available, once configured

Staff members who are viewing their Schedule on a mobile device will now have a new experience.  There is a new configuration in the Staff and Applicants section, "Enable mobile-friendly staff schedule page."

Important! This configuration can only be enabled by a Configio Super User. To have this feature enabled, please reach out to Configio Support.

Once this configuration is enabled, Staff members who are viewing their Schedule page will see a button that will take them to a mobile-friendly Schedule page.  The page will display 7 days of their Schedule, starting with the current day, in a streamlined view.   



Mobile-friendly Attendance - Display Product details when the user taps on the ellipsis

Staff viewing the mobile-friendly Schedule page can view more product details by tapping on the ellipses

Once a super user has enabled "Enable mobile friendly staff schedule page", when a Staff member is viewing the mobile-friendly Schedule page, they can tap on the ellipses for a particular product (Event), and they will see additional details for the product.  This data is coming from what has been entered in the Header WYSIWYG editor on Settings>Setup>Attendance & Signout page.  



Add a button to allow Staff to go back to the Desktop View

Staff will be able to return to their desktop view by tapping on the Desktop View button 

Once a super user has enabled "Enable mobile friendly staff schedule page", staff who are viewing the mobile-friendly Schedule can return to the desktop view by tapping the Desktop View button at the bottom of the page.


Create a mobile-friendly Attendance page

A new mobile-friendly Attendance page will be available to Staff, once configured

Once a super user has enabled "Enable mobile friendly staff schedule page", staff members who are viewing the Attendance page for a specific Event on a mobile device will now have a new experience.  Once mobile-friendly screens are enabled, Staff members who are viewing their Schedule page will see a button that will take them to a mobile-friendly Attendance page for each product that they are assigned.  The page will have a card for each Participant.  At the bottom of the page, there will be a Back button to allow Staff to return to the mobile-friendly Schedule page.



Add legend for the icons displayed on Attendance page

There will be a legend on the mobile-friendly Attendance page that will indicate what each icon means

Once a super user has enabled "Enable mobile friendly staff schedule page", each Participant will have an Attendance status (Absent, Checked In, Checked Out) and an icon that represents that status will be displayed on each Participant's card.  The legend will be displayed at the bottom of the page.


Mobile-friendly Attendance - Display Attendance status and allow checking in/out of Participants

Staff will see easy-to-identify icons and formatting to indicate a Participant's Attendance status

Once a super user has enabled "Enable mobile friendly staff schedule page", when a Staff member is viewing the mobile-friendly Attendance screen, there will be indicators for each Participant's Attendance status.  The formatting will be as follows:

  • Checked In - will have a green checkmark icon 2024-04-17_13-23-33.jpg, and the button on the card will read Check Out
  • Absent (never checked in or out) - will have a caution icon 2024-04-17_13-24-19.jpg, the card will have a red border, and the button on the card will read Check In
  • Checked Out - will have a yellow icon 2024-04-17_13-22-02.jpg, the card will have a yellow border, and the button on the card will read Check In

Staff members can check a Participant out or in for an Event on a specific day by tapping the Check In or Check Out button.


Mobile-friendly Attendance - Group Participants on Attendance screen

Staff will be able to easily tell how Participants are grouped

Once a super user has enabled "Enable mobile friendly staff schedule page", staff members from organizations that use grouping can easily identify how Participants are grouped.  The system will use the group by settings that are saved on the Settings>Setup>Attendance & Signout page.  



Mobile-friendly Attendance - Display more details for a Participant when the user taps on the ellipsis

Staff will be able to view more information about a Participant by tapping on the ellipses

Once a super user has enabled "Enable mobile friendly staff schedule page", when a Staff member is viewing the mobile-friendly Attendance page, they can tap on the ellipses for a particular Participant, they will see additional details for the Participant, have the ability to modify a group(s) for a Participant, and add notes regarding a specific Participant.  The page will display all of the Participant fields that are specified on the Settings>Setup>Attendance & Signout page.  In addition, Staff will be able to add notes for the Participant, modify the grouping fields, and view the Attendance history for a particular attendant.  When the Staff member makes a change to the notes, Groups, or Attendance History and leaves the field, their changes will be saved.




Add a Config to allow the client to allow automatic redirects for mobile devices

A new Config will be added to allow clients to specify whether Staff on mobile devices are automatically redirected to the mobile Schedule and Attendance pages

A new Configuration will be added in the System section of the Settings>Setup>Configuration page, "Enable automatic detection and redirect to mobile-friendly pages".  This Configuration will only apply to clients that have mobile-friendly screens enabled.  When the Configuration is turned on, when Staff members who are on mobile devices visit the Staff Schedule and Attendance pages, they will automatically be redirected to mobile-friendly pages.  If the Staff member chooses to view the desktop version of the pages, that choice will be remembered for the remainder of the Staff's browser session.


To ensure continuity, with documentation and product functionality Configio reserves the right to amend or update these notes as needed. For more information, reach out to Configio Support.

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