Education Level System Question- Admin users can now create a new question for the staff application form to ask for education level when staff members are applying for a position.
- Add a new system question "Current Education Level" to Staff Application Form as well as the Account Form
- can only have one question of this type per form
- Added a new system list "Current Education Levels"
- Contains these default list items
- High School Student
- High School Graduate
- College Student
- College Graduate
- Contains these default list items
- When staff answers the staff application form this question type is rendered as a drop down with the current education levels listed using the sort order of the list items
Staff Additional Time rules- Admin users now have a new engine with Add “Additional Time” to the time paid for an event. These rules would add time to the basic time calculation between Schedule Day Event (SDE) Start Time and End Time.
- There is a new admin page under the staff top menu
- /payrollrules.aspx
- This page will hold both the additional time as well as the wage rules addition that was added from another story
- New button "+ additional time rule"
- clicking the button will hide the grid and show the form for entering a new additional time rule
- Grid for Additional Time rules
- Sort by title, rule type, or active
- Paging is available
- Search by title
- Columns added
- title
- rule type
- amount
- active
- action buttons
- edit
- Additional Time rule structure
- Title
- Amount in minutes
- Region
- Category
- Type
- New Type of Staff Additional Time Rules
- Region
- Category
- Staff Position
- requires choosing region and category
- First SDE (First day of event)
- Other SDE (Any day of event that is not First or Last)
- Last SDE (Last day of event)
- all three of these requires choosing region and category
- New Type of Staff Additional Time Rules
Staff Wage Rules-Admin users now have a new rules screen that will allow them to set wage rules
- There is a new admin page under the staff top menu
- /payrollrules.aspx
- This page will hold both the wage rules as well as the additional time that was added from another story
- Tabbed structure to view grid of Additional Time rules or Wage rules
- Grid for Wage rules
- Sort by title, rule type, active
- Paging
- Search by title
- Columns
- title
- rule type
- amount
- active
- action buttons
- edit
- New button "+ wage rule"
- clicking the button will hide the grid and show the form for entering a new wage rule
- Wage rule structure
- Title
- Amount
- Region
- Category
- Account Position (store the staff position selected)
- Education Level
- Type
- new Type Of Staff Wage Rules
- Region
- Select a region
- Category
- Select a category
- Staff Position (Requires a Region and Category to be selected)
- Dropdown available to select a staff position
- Is required added as an option
- Education Level (Requires a Region and Category to be selected)
- High School Student, High School Grad, College Student, and College Grad will need to be new system questions that staff answer during their application.
- Dropdown added to select the education level from the system list
- Is required added as an option
- Second Year Position * (Requires a Region and Category to be selected)
- Third year Position or more * (Requires a Region and Category to be selected)
- *To determine if staff is considered 2nd or 3rd year (ie, returning) use the first assignment date of the program to establish staff start date and once 10 months have passed, staff should be increased to 2nd year coach or 2nd/3rd year director.
- new Type Of Staff Wage Rules
- *For the Rule Types above that say "(Requires a Region and Category to be selected)" this is so that they can have different dollar amounts per Region and Category (i.e., I want to change the Director position for Washington but not impact any other Director in other regions)
Customize Order number and order date terms- Admins can now customize the Order Number and Order Date text the cart users see to make it applicable to their use and need
- Uses the existing Config 'Term used for order number'
- Default to "Order Number"
- Apply to displays in the Order History, Order Details, Order Confirmation, Order Summary Price email operator
- New Config added 'Term used for Order Date'
- Default to "Order Date"
- Apply to displays in the Order History, Order Details, Order Confirmation, Order Summary Price email operator
Display Staff Distance to Product Location- Admin’s assigning staff can now see how close the staff lives to the location the product will take place at so that they can assign staff who live near the location.
- To enable calculating precise latitude/longitude for staff primary address and location addresses, contact Configio Support to enable. Additional fees apply for precise location
- When not using precise location, the zip code only will be used for distance.
- Added a new column in the staff assignment screen that shows distance in miles from staff home address (Account Primary Address) to product location address