Gift Card Purchasing and Activation

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Configio allows you to create Gift Cards for your customers to purchase and use in future orders. 

System Configurations

There are a multitude of System Configurations that are associated with Gift Cards, but the main Configuration is the 'Enable Gift Cards as payment'. This will allow your customer to use their activated Gift Card on new purchases.

Creating Gift Cards

To create new Gift Cards, simply go to the Products page and click the "Add New Product" button.


Fill out the required information and click the "Save" button. Note: You may leave the price at $0 to allow the customer to enter a custom Gift Card amount


Creating the Email Messages

Gift Card Confirmation
Navigate to Settings --> Assignments --> Email Messages. Click the "Add New Email" button. 


Input a Title, choose the Type, Gift Card Confirmation, and click the "Create" button


Here you can create your email message using the Email Operators. Note: Make sure you add the Gift Cards Email Operator to the email. This will allow your customers to manually activate the Gift Card



Gift Card Activation
Navigate to Settings --> Assignments --> Email Messages. Click the "Add New Email" button.

Input a Title, choose the Type, Gift Card Activation, and click the "Create" button



Here you can create your email message using the Email Operators. Note: Make sure you add the Gift Card Number and Gift Card Code Email Operators to the email. This will allow your customers to consume the Gift Card as payment.



Assigning the Email Messages to a Gift Card

Navigate to Products. Search for your Gift Card and click the Assignments Tab. Select Email Messages, drag and drop your Gift Card Confirmation and Activation Emails to the Assigned section. Now, whenever a customer purchases your Gift Card, an activation email will be sent. Upon activating the Gift Card, the customer will receive the assigned Activation email.


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